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ZIO Coin launched online gaming platform ZIO CASINO

When blockchain technology made it possible for software developers to issue their own currencies, it was only inevitable for them to want to play with it, which ended up with online gambling being among the first use cases of cryptocurrency. The initial fun time is followed by commercial platforms and by traditional platforms integrating cryptocurrency at least as a deposit/withdraw option. As online gambling industry exceeded 50 billion dollars market volume last year with a projected increase to almost 100 billion in 2024, we are most likely to see more projects coming out for a piece of the cake and hopefully more new innovations. One of the projects that saw this opportunity is ZIO Coin who recently launched the online gambling platform ZIO CASINO featuring BTC, BCH, ETH and IAN Coin along with ZIO.
As explained on the whitepaper, ZIO Coin Project is built with the purpose to create a better cryptocurrency for online gambling industry to challenge the vulnerabilities and incompetencies of traditional online gambling systems and other cryptocurrencies. For this purpose, ZIO is relying on a PIVX based POS+MN blockchain with 40 million ZIO supply (4 million premined) and 30000 ZIO masternode collateral. The coin is already trading on CoinExchange and CryptoBridge with market stats here and masternode stats here. Launching the online gaming platform was the next step on the roadmap with an ultimate goal of making ZIO Coin a standard within the industry. This explains features like low 1% house edge, low withdrawal fee and free collateral since ZIO CASINO is also a marketing medium for the coin with nice perks for gamblers instead of being just a blunt commercial asset.

ZIO CASINO is currently featuring four casino games: dice, high or low, odd or even and plumber on a well-designed user interface offering seamless gaming experience. All functions work as they should and bet results return in a second. There is a provably fair gambling system behind the scenes, which is claimed to be impossible to manipulate by the host. ZIO CASINO explains the system as “Random numbers are generated by the use of two seeds: Server Seed and Client Seed. The Server Seed is hashed and shown before the start of the bet. Since you choose your own Client Seed, there is no way for us to alter the outcome without the verification failing.” This is certainly reassuring, and it seems to be living up to the claim after testing.
With flawless security and ease of use, cryptocurrency is finding its way into all parts of life and getting more and more essential each day. Gambling industry is one of many that can benefit greatly from crypto and blockchain technology in general which is not something that crypto or gambling industries are unaware of. ZIO Coin enters the industry with a strong hand by building a product that functions right from day one. With a seamless gaming experience and a solid and fair gaming system, ZIO CASINO has all the potential to grow within the gaming industry with additional games and additional sections like the soon to be opening Contests. Try the ZIO CASINO experience for yourself and don’t forget to check the ZIO CASINO Discord Server to follow the project and meet the community.
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